Photos Documents Stories Jewish Cemetery Project Eger, Sajo-Kazincz and Gyongyos, Hungary |
Includes the families of Nochum Yitzchak GORDON, Abraham HEYMANN, Ignatz LOWY, Baron Hermann GROEDEL and many others.
Welcome to the Zeisler Family Homepage! This site is dedicated to all of the family members that we love and loved, and for those we did not know.
It was created to inform the present generation and to preserve the history that our forbears created for future generations. It also has been created in the hope that the information herein will provide a forum for family and historical discussion.
I anticipate that with this page, as yet undiscovered family members will stumble across it and introduce themselves.
Look around the site as you will find trees, photographs, stories, memoirs, and information on each family and many individuals. There will always be updates so don't hesitate to return often and check the "News" column on this page for update information.
Please contact me if you find any errors or have any suggestions. I also appreciate any historical information that can provide context and background on the localities mentioned, including photographs, books, other sites or reference materials.
This site will always be under construction so please understand if a link is broken or some information is unavailable. Just drop me an email and let me know.
Sincerely, Jerry Zeisler |
Family News (Site last updated: September 15, 2012)
1/25/2009: Baron Groedel descendents from Budapest found us from an old posting of mine. I've been hoping this would happen. Ten years of research finally bears fruit.
Ancestral Locations Countries: United States, Hungary, Germany, Lithuania, England, Luxembourg, Mexico Cities, Towns & Shtetls: USA California: San Bernardino Colorado: Denver Connecticut: Hartford, New Haven Georgia: Atlanta Illinois: Chicago, Peoria Indiana: Lafayette, Ft. Wayne, Terre Haute Kansas: Lawrence Maryland: Baltimore Massachusetts: Boston, Springfield, Worcester, Chicopee Mississippi: Greenville North Carolina: Asheville Ohio: Cincinnati, Cleveland Pennsylvania: Danville, McKeesport New Jersey: New Brunswick New York: Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Westchester, Newburgh Texas: Marshall
Europe England: London. Germany: Bosen, Illingen, Mainstockheim, Schwanfeld. Hungary: Budapest, Eger, Szolnok, Diosgyor, Gyongyos, Miskolc, Szentes, Vacz, Kazincz, Arad. Lithuania: Nemajuni, Meretz, Butrimantz, Orany, Stokliskes. Luxembourg: Consdorf.
Central Americal Mexico: Guadalajara